3 Dangers of Water Leaks in Bradenton, FL, Homes
Whether plumbing leaks are small and subtle or massive and impossible to ignore, they’re always problematic. They may wreak significant havoc depending on where they originate and how long they continue. Here are three types of threats that water leaks pose to homeowners in Bradenton, FL:
Consequences for Your House’s Physical Integrity
Let’s begin by discussing the first and most obvious reason you should address all plumbing leaks as quickly as possible: the damage they may cause to your home. Plumbing leaks may be large and explosive, or they may be small, slow and sneaky. In all cases, whether in the short or long run, they can be destructive.
For example, water will probably spray everywhere if a pipe in your faucet bursts. Unless you stop the flow of water, plug the leak and clean what has already spilled, that water will seep into your floor and undermine its structure. If this happens anywhere above the first floor of your house, it’ll also weaken the lower floor’s ceiling, which will be in danger of collapsing.
Other leaks may be less overt, but their consequences will be similar. For example, if water leaks out of pipes behind your home’s walls, the water may pass into the wood, sheetrock and other building materials that constitute those walls. Often, after such leaks occur, you may notice water stains appearing on your walls. If this happens, you’ll need to request professional assistance immediately.
However, slab leaks are arguably the most pernicious because they threaten to undermine and disintegrate your home’s foundation. These leaks occur in the sewer line underneath your house and can sometimes be difficult to detect.
As soon as you notice any signs of leaks like these, you must call plumbing professionals to repair them immediately. If they persist for too long, slab leaks may cause serious structural damage to your home.
Consequences for Your Finances
With so many ways that water leaks may hurt your home, you’ll need a team of plumbers and home repair specialists to undo the consequences. Such work will cost money. Of course, the longer a leak continues and the more damage it does, the more it’ll cost to put things back into proper order.
An ordinary faucet leak may be easy to catch and repair. If caught early, a leak behind one of your walls may demand only minor pipe or drywall replacements. A leak coming from your roof, especially if it goes on for long enough to cause wood to begin rotting, may force you to replace the entire structure, which will be both expensive and time-consuming.
Consequences for Your Health
Finally, plumbing leaks that remain unaddressed may have adverse consequences for your health. Slab leaks will probably carry sewer water into your home that contains waste, bacteria and other undesirable things. Any contact with such sewage may be harmful.
More generally, excess moisture can create a breeding ground for bacteria and other potentially dangerous biological organisms. If inhaled, these organisms could trigger asthma, allergies and other respiratory problems. Similarly, moisture attracts mosquitoes and other pests, which can be irritating and harmful.
With so many dangers that stem from plumbing leaks, ignoring or failing to detect them may prove detrimental. Since leaks don’t always produce obvious signs until they reach a fairly advanced stage, a team of experienced plumbers may be necessary to inspect your home’s pipes and make sure that everything is in good shape. Contact Climate Design today for more information about our leak detection services that we offer in and around Bradenton, FL.
Image provided by iStock
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